Exposing MI-5 and MI-6: U.K. Spy Agencies Involved in Terrorism, Says Whistleblower

By Asad Ismi Annie Machon was an intelligence officer for the British domestic security service MI-5 (Military Intelligence) during the 1990s and worked in units dealing with international terrorism and domestic subversion. She thought she would be fighting international terrorism, but discovered that MI-5’s sister agency, MI-6, was actually involved in financing and promoting this […]

Is the U.S. Empire Collapsing?: U.S. Can’t Keep Relying on Other Countries to Pay for its Imperial Excesses

Asad Ismi Empires collapse usually due to a combination of military overreach and economic weakness, and, judged by these criteria, the U.S. imperial order seems headed for an imminent fall. Washington’s occupation of Iraq has been a disaster. Even after two years, the U.S. military has failed to subdue the Iraqi resistance. A recent report […]

Enbridge Spreads Disaster in Colombia

By Asad Ismi In the December 2000/January 2001 Monitor, I reported that Enbridge Inc., one of Canada’s leading energy corporations, was linked to death squads in Colombia according to information provided by Amnesty International. Below, I examine the impact of this revelation in Canada as well as detail the further damage caused in Colombia by […]

Profiting From Repression: Canadian Firms in Colombia Protected by Military Death Squads

By Asad Ismi Since 1990, 35,000 Colombians have been killed in a horrific escalation of political violence. An average of ten political assassinations are reported every day. Colombia’s state security forces and their paramilitary allies have been responsible for the vast majority of these killings. Many paramilitary death squads have been created by the Colombian […]