Capitalism is the Crisis (Part 1): The Economic Crisis in Greece is a Crisis of Capitalism Itself: An Interview with Kostas Katarachias

By Asad Ismi Kostas Katarachias is a medical doctor who works in Athens, the capital of Greece. He is an activist in the Federation of Hospital Doctors’ Unions of Greece and one of the 27 elected members on its General Council. He is part of the anti-capitalist left which has five members on the Council. […]

The Latin American Revolution (Part 5): In Bolivia, Under Morales, The Revolution is Indigenous

By Asad Ismi Evo Morales, Bolivia’s indigenous President, started his second term in January by declaring colonialism dead in his country. Morales emphasized that he has attempted to “eradicate all vestiges of colonial repression and discrimination against Bolivia’s indigenous majority.” He certainly has, which is one reason why Morales was re-elected by a landslide in […]

War Crimes: Canada’s Afghanistan “Mission” Cripples Democracy at Home: Torture Cover-up Also Shields World’s Biggest Narco-state

By Asad Ismi Stephen Harper’s Conservative government shut down Parliament until March, mainly to avoid answering politically embarrassing questions about the torture of Canadian military detainees in Afghanistan. Especially disturbing are the allegations–and mounting evidence — that our military was complicit in this torture of captives by Afghan government “interrogators.” The scandal broke in November […]

The Latin American Revolution (Part 3): The U.S. Empire Strikes Back Through a Coup in Honduras

By Asad Ismi At 1 a.m. on June 28, Manuel Zelaya, the elected progressive President of Honduras, was roused from his bed at gunpoint by masked Honduran army soldiers, who kidnapped him in his pajamas and put him on a plane to Costa Rica. The army replaced Zelaya with Roberto Micheletti, the head of the […]