Path of Destruction: Canadian Mining Companies Around the World

A three-part radio documentary series about the global devastation spread by Canadian mining companies. Written by Asad Ismi Produced by Kristin Schwartz Narrated by both Listen here. Translation by Alex Petroff, Susy Alvarez, William Sacher and Sandra Cuffe. Voice-over by Matthew Fava and Susy Alvarez. Many thanks to Danae Peart and Kevin Shaw at CHRY […]

Afghanistan and Canada: Is there an Alternative to the War?

Co-Authors: Asad Ismi, Michael Neuman, Murray Dobbin, D’Abord Solidaires, John W. Warnock, Tariq Ali, Echec a la Guerre, Stephen Cornish, Linda McQuaig, Ira Basen, Ligue des droits et libertes, Richard Preston, Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims, Rose Marie Whalley, John Foster, A. Walter Dorn, Pierre Beaudet, Claude Castonguay, Richard Preston, Peggy Mason, Lucia Kowaluk and Steven Staples. Black […]

Pakistan: Another U.S.-Made Disaster: Pakistan Election Doesn’t Curb U.S. and Military Dominance

By Asad Ismi The February election in Pakistan makes no difference to United States and military dominance of the country. The Pakistan army has never allowed any elected politician to rule the state, even when they had won a majority of the vote. No party gained a majority in the February election. The biggest share […]

An Interview With Afghan MP Malalai Joya: Karzai Government Treats Women as Brutally as Did the Taliban

By Asad Ismi Malalai Joya, 29, is the youngest female member of Afghanistan’s parliament and has been elected twice from the western province of Farah. She is a popular women’s rights activist and an outspoken critic of the government of Hamid Karzai and the Northern Alliance, which is now being defended by U.S., Canadian and […]