Canada and the U.S. Go Digging for Regime Change in Venezuela

By Asad Ismi U.S. hostility towards Venezuela reached absurd heights in March amidst accusations both Ottawa and Washington are supporting local efforts to overthrow the popularly elected socialist government of Nicolás Maduro. On March 9, U.S. President Barack Obama signed an executive order “declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat […]

The Latin American Revolution: Leftist Parties Win Important National Elections in 2014

By Asad Ismi The Latin American Revolution continued to score major victories in 2014 with the re-election of leftist parties in Brazil, Bolivia and El Salvador. This is the left’s fourth consecutive term in Brazil, its third in Bolivia, and its first re-election in El Salvador (see “Social movements and the FMLN’s second term,” October […]

De-Dollarization: Is BRICS a Viable Alternative to the U.S.-Dominated World Economic System?:

AN INTERVIEW WITH ECONOMIST AND GEOPOLITICAL ANALYST PETER KOENIG By Asad Ismi 1. Is BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa) a viable alternative to the present U.S.-dominated world economic system and does it have the potential to replace it? Are we witnessing the birth of a new international economic order in BRICS and […]

BRICS and the SCO Challenge U.S. Global Dominance

By Asad Ismi United States military aggression globally is stimulating the creation of a new international economic order that could serve as a viable alternative to the present Western-dominated version. Washington’s surrounding of both Russia and China with military bases and warships, its severe economic sanctions against Russia and Iran (a close Russian ally), and […]